Drew Miller
Occupation: Project Manager
Being the debonair gentleman that he is, Drew is our official "host" at every Trust Fall dinner. More importantly, he's also the man behind our signature Trust Fall cocktails.
Emily Miller
Occupation: Director of Ministry and Events
Emily masterminds our dinner decor - creating tablescapes dreams are made of. She also hooked us up with our fancy embroidered aprons.
Matt Mowrer
Occupation: Risk Analyst
Our de facto CEO (and the man behind our moniker), Matt keeps everybody on task and handles coordination with the chefs. Also of note, he's cleaned over 30,000 catfish.
Jenny Mowrer
Occupation: Social Media Guru
The fun one. Also, the one most likely to have a glass of wine in her hand. Jen manages our social media identity, which is good because she's never met a stranger.
Ty Pattison
Occupation: Letterpress Printer
AKA Fire-Face. Ty is connected to everybody (or is that his brother?), which is helpful in his location scouting duties.
Sarah Pattison
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Did you hear that laugh? If it wasn't Jenny, it was Sarah. Thanks to Sarah, we've got fancy invitations and menus, so we at least look like we know what we're doing (we don't.)
Todd Sparks
Occupation: Architect
Our webmaster and ticket coordinator. Recently moved west (and even worse, took Rachel with him)--Trust Fall Memphis, anyone?
Rachel Sparks
Occupation: Teacher
The best sport of all (the only one who doesn't want to eat everything we serve.) When she's not avoiding seafood, Rachel helps manage email communications and charms our guests.